9 flavors enhancer for pet food

  • Paste product use: paste product consistency as the temperature decreases becomes thicker, the temperature rises and relatively thin, good fluidity,general puffed grain customers will be heated separately or with grease to about 40 ℃, and then sprayed onto the surface of the product. Paste products are generally recommended to add a proportion of 4%-6%, powdered products: 1%-2%, depending on the cost of the formula, containing meat powder, the proportion of fresh meat, to decide, some low-end grain in Hebei 4000 / ton or so, paste products even add to 10%. For low-end dog food, you can choose not to add powder, only paste. Cat food generally adds both paste and powder, with a slightly higher proportion of powder added.
  • Chicken liver hydrolysis powder YCF-P01 has a common flavour, simple process, enzymatic spray drying of chicken liver, without Merad reaction, lower price, some customers will choose to reduce costs, or buy back their own compounding use
  • Seasoning powder for dogs MYF-QT-01 The product has undergone a merad reaction, the product has a better flavour, contains salt, yeast and other substances, the company is currently selling more products, after a long test in the market, suitable for the main food spray, health care products for the use of tablets, powder, lecithin
  • Pet Flavouring MYF-QT-02 is a dark brown product with a distinctive smell, high antioxidant capacity, long shelf life and is more palatable for dogs than canine flavouring powders. It is suitable for products with low meat content such as teeth cleaning bones, tablets, etc. It is more expensive and can be used in cat products to change the flavour of the product.
  • Cat flavouring powder YCF-MT-02 Compounded products: Chicken liver hydrolysate 35%, yeast powder, fish meal, salt, acidity regulator
  • Cat Flavouring Powder YCF-MT-02P upgraded version: slightly higher chicken liver content 45%, slightly lower proportion of fish meal than 02 cat powder, added krill powder (can be advertised as added Antarctic krill) palatability tested to be significantly better than 02 cat powder
  • Canine flavouring paste MYG-QT-01 basic model, good value for money, with added flavouring, not for customers with high palatability requirements
  • YCG-QT-916 is a high cost, non-flavouring product, the flavour of the product is derived from the Melard reaction, the palatability has obvious advantages over 01 dog paste
  • Cat flavouring paste YCG-MT-915 No flavour added, 20% salmon added, strong meat flavour
  • Fish paste Made from mackerel, fish flavour