Pet Seasoning

Made from natural materials crafted by advanced biotechnology, this dog food flavor enhancer is presented as tawny powder in good fluidity. Compound amino acid is added to boost immune system. This dog food seasoning helps increase appetite and enhance the palatability.


Granular grain: Spread over on the surface with an additive amount of 1%-2%
The specific usage amount depend on product positioning and cost.
Snacks: Add as aditive amount of 2%-4% with the main ingredients or spread over the surface. The specific usage amount depend on the difrent snack types Health care products: Apply 5%-10% of the seasoningin tablets, powders,etc.The specific usage amount depend on product positioning and cost.

For most pet owners, the proof of quality, flavorful petfood products is in watching our furry friends enjoy their food. When a new diet is introduced to a pet and it stimulates active consumption, it’s considered palatable, and therefore a success.

Successfully achieving palatability in pet food requires balancing product formulation, ingredient stability and flavor profiles. Palatants, or palatability enhancers, play an important role in the overall appeal of a petfood product by elevating preferred tastes and aromas.

Precautions:Stored away from moisture and mildew. Do not feed ruminants


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Major R&D centers, cooperating with multiple universities 32 product innovation patents 20 times of test /month, strictly ensure product quality