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Full production line freeze dried liver powder of flavoring agent pet flavor spray for dog food flavor for catflavor enhancer

Made from natural materials crafted by advanced biotechnology, this cat food avor enhancer is presented as tawny powder in good fluidity. Ocean fish is specially added for triggering cat’s taste. This cat food seasoning helps increase appetite and enhance the palatability

Granular grain: Spread over on the surface with an additive amount of 1 %-2%. The specific usage amount depend on product positioning and cost.

Snacks: Add as additive amount of 2%-4% with the main ingredients or spread over the surface. The specific usage amount depend on the different snack types. Health care products: Apply 5%-10% of the seasoning in tablets, powders,etc. The specific usage amount depend on product positioning and cost.

  • Good flow, strong aroma and improved eating interest and palatability for pets
  • Made from natural raw materials, refined by modern biotechnology and advanced technology, in the form of brownish powder
  • Improving your pet’s diet for a balanced development

Our Service
1. 10+ years manufacturing experience.
2. OEM/ODM Service.
3. Sample service.
4. Direct factory,Competitive price.
5. Strict quality control system,professional QC team.
6. Quick response within 24 hours


We have both liquid palatants and powder palatants for cats and dogs.

The shelf life of liquid products is 6 months while the shelf life of powder products is 12 months. And you need to use the liquid palatant within 1 week and use the powder palatant within 1 month and keep them sealed when store them.

You need to store the products at a cool, dry and ventilated place.

We don't recommend you to do in that way because it doesn't maximize the effect.

Our regular packaging for liquid palatant is a double layer PE bag with a spout and the outside packaging is a little plastic bucket. It is 20 KG per bucket. However, in order to avoid damages during the transportation, we recommend the IBC tanks(the volume of 500L or 1000L) to pack the liquid products if you can use them up within 1 week.

Pet Food Testing Laboratory

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